Friday, May 20, 2011

The Dining Room Makeover Begins

After finishing the Kitchen Transformation the dining room looked even worse by comparison. So instead of taking a break in between projects, I decided to just keep going. Here is what the dining room looked like when I first showed it to you last fall:
And this is what it currently looks like! :

I replaced the tiffany chandelier shades with milky white ones like we discussed before. I love how the chandelier matches the era of the house but the white shades update it and give a modern touch. You can also see more of the details of the chandelier without the distracting tiffany shades.
Then I removed the secretary desk and hung picture frames on that wall instead. You may not be able to tell from the pictures but getting rid of that unnecessary piece of furniture really opened up the room and made it seem bigger.
I repainted all of the trim with a fresh coat of Behr's Moon Rise paint in a satin finish. For the walls I couldn't find the exact shade of gray that I wanted so I mixed a couple of different shades together and came up with my own custom color in a flat finish. Here is a picture of the label if you want to try it out for yourself.

I recovered the dining chair cushions *again*. This time in a bright green and white fabric that I picked up at JoAnn's. The table and chairs all got a couple of coats of Behr's Stealth Jet primer and paint in one.

I'm not thrilled with this paint color though. It looks almost army green when the light hits it. We are going to live with it for a few days to see if it grows on us but we will probably go with a different shade. I also think I may try a semi-gloss instead of the satin finish. It is definitely an improvement though and at the very least it is primed and ready for the new paint.
Those are all of the changes I have made so far. Next on the list is something for the center of the table which it looks like I will be making myself since I haven't been able to find exactly what I was looking for. Then a little something on the radio which may or may not get refinished itself. After that I just need to talk my husband into installing the dimmer switch we picked up and another room will be done!
Here is the before and after again because I'm a sucker for side by side transformation photos. :)

I really tried to bring in some fun color and a modern touches while still keeping with the age and style of the house. What do you think? Am I pulling it off or does it look like a complete mess of styles that should never be combined?
Keep in mind that it isn't finished yet and the radio still needs a makeover (or to be removed completely...I can't decide). :)
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Mikalah said...

It's looking lovely so far! I really like the color of the table and chairs, but I know that sometimes colors look so different in person and in different lights. Hopefully it will grow on you, but if not it's a pretty easy fix! Love the new shades on the chandelier too. You are right, it's much less distracting and era-specific. It's classy without being stuffy!

Rachael West said...

First the room looks amazing (but you know that) second I'm glad I'm not the only one with a recoverign dining chair cushions addiction :+) Third (I'm not sure why I'm counting but since I've started I'm going to stick with it) I really like the color of your dining table.

I actually like that its not "just" black like everyone else seems to go twards - lets see how you feel after a couple of days :+) ha ha.

XO & have a great weekend dear!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I love it, love it, love it!