Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Squeaky Clean

Last week I showed off my new Ducky Bathroom makeover and there was just one blank wall left to decorate. I thought about it for a while but inspiration evaded me so I asked for suggestions and my amazing readers friends totally came through for me! I used a combination of your ideas and I LOVE how it turned out. The room is complete now:

Rachel from On Becoming Wise and Courtney Mills both suggested vinyl wall decals. Rachel even shared some links to bubble photos. My favorite is the one all the way at the bottom HERE. I used my Silhouette to cut out white vinyl bubbles using the Linked Welded Rings shape. If you don't have a Silhouette, you can buy some similar decals HERE.

Lina from Fancy Frugal Life mentioned a project she was going to make for her own bathroom using the words "Scrub A Dub" which sounded adorable. For mine, I went with the words "Squeaky Clean" in the font Keep on Truckin'. Again, I used my Silhouette but you could print out the words and cut them out with an Exacto knife to create a stencil and paint the words on.

Danielle Klepper made the above duck word art for me and I fell in love with it instantly! The greens and blues were perfect and I love all of the words that she used (like "Fanny" hahahaha). It was a little too dark with all of the white that is in there though.

So I went to Tagxedo which is the website that she used to make it and recreated it using the same words and shape. I used the same color scheme then changed the background to white. This made some of the letters too hard to see since they were meant for a dark background so I shipped the image over to PicMonkey where I decreased the exposure. That darkened the lettering but kept the same basic color tone.

This is how mine ended up once I was done. I am obsessed with this website now. How did I not know about this before?! There are a ton of shapes to choose from and you just enter the words that you want to use and it puts them together for you. Then you can change fonts, color schemes, and arrangement of the words. It's awesome! I see myself wasting a lot of time there in the future. :)

Once I was done, I printed it onto some white cardstock and threw it in an old silver frame that I had laying around. Now my bathroom is complete and this whole wall only took about twenty minutes to put together and I had all of the stuff on hand. It doesn't get much better than that. 

Thank you all for your help with my wall! If you are looking for ideas for your own bathroom walls, there are several more suggestions that I didn't have enough space to use. You can check them out in the comments section on this post and the comments on the bathroom photo on my Facebook page.

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Samantha said...

hee hee hee hee you have the word fanny on your bathroom wall! Oh, wait, fanny doesn't mean the same in the US as it does for me here in the UK does it? Ah well, the joke's on me then! x

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I didn't even know about the UK version. Yes, it has a very different meaning here. :)