Monday, April 26, 2010

Now I Know My ABC's...

Today I started working with Jeremy on letter recognition. Here are a few projects I made to help him along.

First, is an incentive chart!

Supplies Needed:
White Posterboard
Colored Cardstock or Construction Paper
Glue Stick
Circle Stencil

Using something circular (I used a circle cookie cutter but a drinking glass would also work) trace 26 circles onto different colored paper.

Cut them out and glue onto the posterboard in the form of a path. At regular intervals, glue a picture of a reward your child will get once they have mastered those letters!

Uppercase/Lowercase Puzzle

Supplies Needed:
Decorative Craft Scissors
Index Cards

With the index card laying vertically, write the uppercase letter on the top and the lowercase on the bottom. Cut the card in half using decorative craft scissors. Vary marker color and scissor pattern for each letter to make it more interesting.

Uppercase Matching or Memory Game

With the index card laying horizontally, write an uppercase letter on both the left and right side. Cut in half using regular scissors. Repeat for each letter. Now you can use them to play memory or you can keep one set and give the other set to your child. Then hold up a letter and see if they can find the matching letter in their set.

While I was making these, Jer decided that he wanted to make his own cards using the letter A. They're not bad considering he just learned to write it a few hours before!

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annetta said...

Great idea! I am stealing this one to use with Zeke. Love the landscaping too by the way!

Unknown said...

These are great ideas! I wish I had homeschooled my eldest (he's 30 now) but he & his 2 brothers moved in (they're my stepsons) and I was totally overwhelmed. He was learning disabled and had a horrible time in school. I tried working with him, but I was in way over my head.

I'm glad to say he's doing well now. Thank goodness for text messaging! He learned more about spelling doing that than in all of school!

the speers said...

Ok, I totally left a comment earlier, sorry! (:D) but this is such an awesome idea!! I'm totally going to do this for my son--since he totally asks to learn how to spell--especially his name! Your little boy is so cute! Thanks for the ideas!