Monday, October 18, 2010

Bits and Pieces

I added a few quick, little things to our Halloween decor today. I saw this eyeball wreath from A Girl and a Glue Gun a couple of weeks ago. I had all of the stuff on hand and decided to make one to fill a blank wall in the kitchen. I just took a twig wreath that I had picked up at Goodwill for $.75 and jammed the sticks through some leftover squishy eyeballs that I picked up at Target last year, then I just added a Dollar Tree raven.

This is one you have all probably seen before. The first time I saw this idea was at Country Living. I used their bat stencil and to get the size I want sized it to print on a 5"x7" page. I still need to tweak the arrangement a bit, but I like how it filled up this blank wall. I also like the shadows they create.

What do you do when you go to Michael's and find a mini birdcage for $1 and a package of three doll heads and six arms for $2.99? Put them together (along with some spanish moss) for a quirky addition to your decor! I think it goes well with the NCIS theme because there is an episode where Abby is working with a bunch of baby doll heads.

I'm hoping to find more time tomorrow to work on some larger projects!

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Lina Thomlinson said...

I'm jealous of your bird cage find but I love what you've done with it! I almost bought a bunch of doll parts to make something spooky and now you're making me wish I had.

The Autocrat: Haley said...

The girl in the cage is cracking me up!! Totally diggin' on the bats that are on the wall; they almost look like they are moving.