Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Preserve Flowers with Borax

I wanted to decorate the shelf above our tv with some flowers but I hate fake flowers. Fresh flowers were out since you constantly have to replace them and water filled glasses directly above the tv are a bad idea.
So I decided it was time to try this trick that I had heard about a long time ago. I dries the flowers while still keeping their shape and color!

Just grab some fresh flowers and a box of borax (found with the laundry detergent) for about $3.

Place the flowers in a box and carefully cover them with the borax. Put a lid on the box and place it somewhere that it won't be disturbed.

After two weeks, carefully brush the borax away from the flowers (I used the brush from Jeremy's dinosaur excavation kit) and they are ready to display!

My purple and green daisies didn't turn out as well as my orange and yellow ones. The purple ones weren't in the best condition to begin with so that may have had something to do with it. Or maybe those dye colors just don't work well.
Either way, I love how the yellow and orange ones turned out and I finally have something to put in my Coca-Cola bottle vases:

I read somewhere that it works better with flowers fresh from your garden. Also, if the flowers are store-bought you should soak them in water for 30 minutes and then let them dry before preserving them. I didn't do that which could be another reason they didn't all turn out.

Over all, I'm happy with how they turned out and will definitely try it again!

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lisbonlioness said...

Darn! I wish I'd known this trick before The Man disposed of what he called weed in the garden. Them weeds were prettier than any flower I could possibly wish to cultivate, and now I'll have to wait another year for them to (hopefully) infest our garden again!

Unknown said...

Drying flowers allows you to save the beauty from your spring and summer garden for many years