Thursday, June 9, 2011

Brenda's Kitchen Transformation

Brenda from Indiana found my Kitchen Makeover at the Today's Creative Blog link up and decided to try it out in her own kitchen! Check out her amazing before and afters:

Doesn't that look great! I LOVE that primer. You can't even tell that her cabinets were originally finished with a dark stain! I love the Granny Smith Green Apple paint too.
She also refinished the countertops and backsplash!

How cool is the design on that backsplash?! This wouldn't work with the style of our current house at all but I am definitely keeping it in mind for our next place! The best part is that it went right over the old tile!
She used Rustoleum Transformations on the countertops and it looks amazing! In our original kitchen makeover plan we were going to re-do the countertops just like this but when we realized we were going to be selling the house we decided to leave the counters the way they were since it fits the style of the house better. I was kind of disappointed though since I really wanted to see if the stuff worked so it was happy to see that Brenda used it in her kitchen and it looks great!

I love the silver cabinet hardware with the silver backsplash. It all looks amazing combined with the black countertop and green accents.
Great job, Brenda! :)
This kind of stuff is seriously what keeps this blog going. There have been several times that I have thought about shutting down the blog either because it has become too time consuming or I'm going through a creative dry spell and feel like I don't have anything new to offer. But then I get an email from someone who was inspired by one of my projects or got the courage to try a home improvement project that they were previously intimidated by and it reminds me why I do this. My favorite part of blogging is helping people turn their homes into a place that they love. :)
I must say that the home improvement projects are the most exciting for me. I have had several friends come into our home and they loved the changes that we have made but said that they could never do something like that themselves so they just live with their house the way it is. Then they see a tutorial on my blog and realize that it's really not so hard and they CAN do it themselves!
Our experience with DIY has involved a lot of trial and error but I have found that the worst thing you can do is let the fear of making a mistake stop you from even trying. There will be some mistakes along the way but it isn't the end of the world and 9 times out of 10 even with the cost of fixing a mistake, doing it yourself will still cost you less than hiring someone to do it for you. Well, unless you decided to tackle plumbing or electrical. ;)
So if you take anything away from this blog, I hope it is that you CAN make your home a beautiful place that you love to come back to at the end of the day and it doesn't have to cost you a fortune!
If you have tried any of my tutorials or been inspired by one of my projects I would love to hear about them! Who knows, I might even feature it here at Polish The Stars!
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Anonymous said...

OMG! That backsplash is AWESOME!!!

Kristin @ Yellow Bliss Road said...

I just wrote a post about how blogging has helped me too! :) Love the makeover and how awesome that she was inspired by YOU! See, you are much needed in blogland!!! :)

lisbonlioness said...

Oh my freaking GOSH!!! This lady did one amazing job after the other, I don't even know which bit I love the most. I'm crazy about the white- black contrast! Megan, you must be so proud of yourself, having inspired and ultimately made possible this wonderful makeover.
Way to go, both of you!

Stacy CUrran said...

Amazing!!! I LOVE the backsplash! Great job Brenda!

Lyss said...

I never knew that you could do that to your countertops! I'm definately keeping that in mind for when I buy a house.