Friday, January 17, 2014

Grocery Bag Organization

A lot of people like to organize during spring cleaning but for me the urge usually comes right after Christmas. After a few weeks of extra decor around the house followed by trying to find places to put the gifts that we received - I start to feel like the clutter is closing in on me. The Christmas decorations usually go back into storage on December 26th and the purging and organizing begins! One of my projects this time around was finding a better storage solution for grocery bags.

I ended up folding them like paper footballs and I am really pleased with the result. In the photo above, both the before and after show 20 grocery bags! It is a great space saver and now I can easily toss a couple in my purse and the glove compartment in the car so I always have one on hand. The rest fit nicely in a small corner of one of the kitchen drawers so I have extras to line the bathroom trash can. The folding process is super simple:

1. Discard any bags with holes or those that held meat products.

2. Flatten out the bag.

3. Fold in half.

4. Fold in half again.

5. Fold one corner over to create a triangle. 

6. Fold the triangle up.

7. Continue alternating until only the handles are left unfolded. Pressing out excess air as you go.

8. Fold the handles over one or two times until it is about an inch tall.

9. Fold the corner over on the side that is angled so that it forms a point.

10. Fold the handles over the top and tuck the ends into the open fold and flatten.

Does anyone else get the organizing bug during January? If you have any tips or tricks, I would love to hear about them in the comments!

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Traci said...

Son of a..... that's brilliant!

Unknown said...

Super CLever

BurntApple said...

You just made my husband a happy man. I've got a whole shelf in the\
utility closet devoted to plastic bags. He's been trying to have me get rid of it

Anonymous said...

I love this! I have a plastic bag holder that I use regularly but I like this idea for the quick throw in the purse or car so it doesn't take up too much space.

Stopping by from Someday Crafts.

The Kim Six Fix said...

This is a brilliant idea. I remember folding those little footballs as a kid too, why have I never thought to do it with plastic bags!?! Better than stuffing them all in the corner of the closet!