While visiting my in-laws in the country, we discovered an old graveyard surrounded by corn fields. Most of the stones were about 150 years old and many were broken or illegible. I was able to get some pretty cool shots and I thought this would be a good time to share. Click on the photos to enlarge them.

I really like visiting old cemeteries. Not in a weird, morbid way; I just love the historical aspect of them. Wondering what these people were like and whether anyone other than the person mowing the grass in the cemetery even knows that it exists. I imagine these people as characters from Pride and Prejudice or Little Women...going to balls, marrying and having children, sitting together in the evenings drinking tea and reading books aloud...Okay so maybe I am weird and maybe these people's lives were nothing like that but it is interesting to think about...
***I left my watermark off of these photos because I thought someone might want to use one in a Halloween project. Please give me credit and link back to my blog if you do use them though. Thanks!***

Wow! These are amazing shots! I wish I had a good camera. Every once in a while I get a really awesome one with my point and shoot though...haha! Anyway, nice job!
Nice pictures! I'm still kicking myself for missing out on doing a photo shoot in Highgate Cemetery when I was in London last year. My husband's feet were toast by that point in the trip so I didn't think traipsing around a cemetery would have been his idea of fun.
These are fabulous. I especially love the one with the spider web!
Wow great photos. I swear you are not alone I love to visit old cemeterys. Reading your thoughts on them made me smile because I like to think of there lives back then as well... or what their lives could have been like.
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