Sweet Sixteen.....Wait...WHAT?!?!
Funny thing happened today....I was mistaken for a teenager...AGAIN!!!
This has been happening a lot the last few months. The first was when I had to go to the Minute Clinic and the guy apparently didn't look at my form closely enough because he told me that if I was under 18 then my dad needed to come in with me (he was mistakenly referring to my husband). When I told him how old I was he said that he thought for sure that I was sixteen.
Then there was another nurse who thought I was a teenager. Oh and of course there are the times when I order a drink with my meal and the waitresses spend five minutes inspecting my ID because they think its fake. Then there are the strange looks when people see me with my five-year-old son.
And now today...a couple of guys came to my door and asked if my mom and dad were home!
I was so thrown off, I didn't even know how to respond. I think I stammered something like, "Uh...no...this is my....I mean...I'm the owner....what?" One of the guys said they heard that we had a car for sale. I told them yes, our Grand Prix is still for sale. Then, because he apparently didn't understand my oh-so intelligent response to the question about my parents, he asked when they would be home so that he could talk to them about it. I didn't even bother acknowledging the parent part and just told him that I would grab my HUSBAND and he could talk to them about it. He gave me a surprised, "Oh!" and as I closed the door I saw them look at each other with shocked expressions and laugh.
When Shelby went out to talk to the guy he apologized for asking where my parents were. As if that weren't enough, it turns out that the little punk is actually five years YOUNGER than me!!
So I have included some self-portraits and I would like your honest opinion:

Please excuse the crappy bathroom mirror shots that make me look jaundice.
Tell me - do I really look like a teenager?! I mean, I know I look young for my age but come on! I'm almost 28! Do I need to start dying my hair gray or something? Maybe I just need to cut my hair. I never had this much trouble when it was shorter. Hmm....
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haha- I get carded ALL the time. Even to buy SPRAY PAINT the week before my birthday this year- um yeah, I turned 31! After I showed her my id, I asked her if I really didn't look 18. she looked at me again and said- well, I GUESS you look 18. REALLY?! What is WRONG with people?! No- you do not look like a teenager, but yes, I would probably card you to buy alcohol. ;)
Wow...you do look young.
You do look young (not necessarily 16), but try not to be offended. When you get to be closer to 40 than 30 or even 50 you will remember these days and smile.
You do look young, but it sucks that people embarrass you with their comments and behavior. I wouldn't at all say you look 16, though, especially because of your tattoos. If I had to guess I would have said early 20s. I'm your age, but I don't look 22 anymore. Rock it!
And don't worry, you'll get the last laugh when the rest of us bitches are all saggy and wrinkly. :-)))))
I had someone at the door ask if my parents were home too! I think my response was along the same lines as yours. How do you answer that?
I would say that you do have a young face (bonus!) and the long hair adds to the young look. But I'm sure you will love looking younger than your age as time goes on. Many women would be jealous!
You do look very young, but I'm totally jealous. I hit 29 and after two kids, I look like hell. I'd mess with people's heads if they asked if my parents were home if I were you. :)
I showed my guy your photo and asked him how old he thought you were. He shrugged and said "I don't know, 16?" You do look young. Even though it annoys you, go with it while it lasts! If you're lucky, you'll keep getting carded until you're well into your 40's or beyond!
For the sake of complete honesty I'm gonna go ahead and say yeah, 16 is actually what I would have guessed based on your pictures. You're lucky though. I'm sure it's a pain but you're gonna get to age gracefully while the rest of us glare at the wrinkles in the mirror. ^_^
I'm going to have to agree - I would have said 16-17 as well. Even with the tats. You have a VERY young face, which you will probably be more and more grateful for with every passing year. I say enjoy it, but if you want to look older, I think a shorter, edgier hair cut would help
Maybe something like this? http://www.easy-hairstyles.com/images/medium-hair.jpg
or this: http://www.hairstyleswebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/medium-hairstyles2.jpg
Or even this: http://www.easy-hairstyles.com/images/katie-holmes-hair.jpg
You look young. I would guess at least 18-20 but not 28. I get the same thing though. Not 16, but "in college". I work at a college and everyone I meet asks me what year I am or whats my major. I am getting some wrinkles around the eye area (which I blame my job for) so I'm hoping it lasts. I agree with one of the other folks, longer hair always makes a person look younger.
Dude this happens to me ALL the damn time. Like you I'm 27 will be 28 this year and people either think my ID is fake or that I'm a child.
Last year I went to pick up my sister from high school and was told to "go back to class". I just smiled and said which one?
My hubs gets that ALL THE TIME. He's 27 but everyone thinks he's 18. And that's exactly why I keep my hair short - so people think I'm older. Not sure how well it works...
You look like a teenager in these pictures. In the photos where you have shorter hair, you look closer to your age (still youthful, though).
When I was 25 I had a salesman come to the door. He started to talk to me when I opened the door, then stopped mid-sentence when he had had time to look at me properly and said "Sorry, can I speak to my parents". I just looked at him like "Wha...?". I think he got the point because, after a long pause, he added "Or, is that a cheeky question". I said "that's a cheeky question" and we kept on talking normally. But after he left I went and looked in the mirror, and yeah I looked 17. Now, 5 years later, at 30 with 3 kids, I certainly can't get away with being mistaken for a teenager. I would be lucky if people guess my age at 30 and not older.
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