Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mod Circle Art

Our stairwell has been in desperate need of some art for awhile now.  Not many people go up there so it wasn't worth spending a bunch of money on so I came up with another $1 piece of artwork!  (This is the tutorial that I shared over at Davis Domestications last week in case you missed it.)  I wanted something bold but simple with a bit of a mod feel to it.  I'm not sure if I pulled it off but I'm happy with the results nonetheless.  :)

First, I picked up a piece of foam board in the school supplies section at Dollar Tree. I'm not sure if you can tell, but I'm kind of obsessed with the stuff right now.  It's just so cheap and looks better and sturdier than regular poster board.  

Anyway, I found something circular to trace around which in this case was a cookie cutter.  Then I used a yard stick to make a grid with boxes the size of my cookie cutter so that everything would be perfectly straight and traced my circles in the boxes.

Then I realized that I actually should have made my grid half the size of the circle so that I would have lines for my second set of circles.  It was easy enough to go back and do this though.

Once the second grid was ready, I traced another set of circles in the open corners of the original circles.  I'm not really sure if that sentence made sense but I don't know how else to explain it.  Once all of my circles were in place, I carefully erased the grid.  Then I just used a fine point Sharpie to go over the circles and color in a 1 1/4" border all the way around.  

Now I have something to fill up the large empty space in our sad looking stairwell.  I cut it down a bit so that everything was centered and it ended up measuring 18 3/4" x 28".  That's a pretty big piece of artwork for only $1!  I just need to finish painting the stairwell (the wall on the right is gray like the dining room while the rest is still blue), replace the light fixture and figure out something to put on the narrow ledge.  Haha!  There's always something that needs to be done.  Hopefully we will get this house finished before it's time to move.  :)

Any suggestions for what to put on the ledge?  I "shopped" our house and couldn't find anything quite right so I might actually have to buy something.  It has to be tall but skinny and lightweight.  It is a really narrow ledge so I am always worried about putting something too big up there and it falling down and knocking my son unconscious or something!

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Kate @ craftwhatever said...

Great IDEA to make that print yourself! I would have stressed about not owning one of those vinyl cutting machines or nice stencil. You just went for it! I love it! Inspiring : )

Jacqueline said...

This is cute and I love how you made it without a stencil!