Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sally's Worm's Wart Soup

Any Nightmare Before Christmas fan should recognize this one. :) For those who aren't familiar with the movie: During one scene, Sally the ragdoll makes a Worm's Wart Soup that will make her captor, Dr. Finklestein, fall asleep so that she can escape. She pours in some Deadly Night Shade to poison it and a bit of Frog's Breath to cover the smell. When he makes her taste it first to confirm that it isn't poisoned, she uses a spoon with holes drilled into it so that she doesn't actually drink any of her own poison.

For this setup I found a wooden spoon in the cookware section of my grocery store, drilled five holes in it and stained it a dark walnut color. I glued my labels (free printable below) onto empty spice jars and filled them with Frog's Breath (a bit of white acrylic paint, a couple drops each of green and yellow food coloring, and water mixed together), Worm's Wart (olive oil and molasses), and Deadly Night Shade (poppy seeds).  

Of course after awhile the molasses in the worm's wart settles to the bottom but it still looks pretty cool:

For my bottles, I sized the labels down to 1 3/4" but I left the printable big so that you can use it on larger bottles if you wish.

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Traci said...

This is perfect :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks! This one actually made me think of you since I know that you are as obsessed with the movie as I am. I'm glad you like it! :)