Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mason Jar Savings Bank

I actually made this cute mason jar bank because we needed something to hold donations for coffee at church but it could work if you are saving for a trip or something else fun. I liked the look of just the plain mason jar but then I remembered all of the cute shadow box banks that I have seen on Pinterest. 

I always thought they were a really fun idea but I didn't want to spend money on a shadow box just to make one. Most of us have mason jars though and you can usually find them at Goodwill or garage sales for less than a quarter!

So I printed out some clip art of a coffee cup and slipped it into the jar. You can also add a photo of the item that you are saving up for or the place that you want to visit. I made it with the coffee cup on the outside to try to draw more attention to it but you could also attached the photo to the back of the jar if you want to be able to see the money in front of the photo.

The bank lid is pretty simple and probably doesn't need a full tutorial but here is one anyway just in case. :)

Using cardstock, print out your lettering with a rectangle in the middle (make sure that it is a bit bigger than you need the hole for your bank to be. Lay the mason jar ring upside down on top of your paper and trace around the inside rim.

Cut out your circle and the printed rectangle.

Press the paper between a self-sealing laminating sheet (you can find these in the office supply section of most stores). Lay the mason jar ring upside down on your sheet again and this time trace around the outside rim. Use scissors to cut along that line.

Using a box cutter or exacto knife, cut out the money slot making it slightly smaller than what the paper is cut out. You need to do this to make sure that the laminating sheets stay stuck together. Put your new lid into the ring and screw it onto your mason jar.

Now comes the hard part...actually saving the money! ;)

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1 comment:

Tracy said...

Thank you for the tutorial as I need visual steps a d love the tips. I've used an old large plastic "Coke Bank" but it is 2 feet tall and over years I gave up. Grandsons always want me to use it for McDonalds so I think I will start a couple "Jar Banks" and I believe now I can actually save.