Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mini Cereal Box Desk Organizer

About a year ago we got a package of those mini boxes of cereal for Jer as a special treat and the boxes have been sitting in my craft stash ever since. Why? Because I am one of those crazy crafters who hold onto trash because "I might be able to use it someday." ;) I tossed most of those things when we moved but I hung onto these because I love how colorful and fun they are!

Recently we picked up this adorable retro school desk so that Jer has somewhere in the living room to craft and do homework. I have been trying to hold off on buying stuff for the new place but it was the perfect size for the space that we had, the right era for our home, an amazing deal at only $20, the thrift store that we bought it from gives job training to people in the community who are struggling to find work, and the profits from the store go to a missionary in Africa. How could I resist?!

Okay back to the organizer...I made this to keep some of his supplies handy and add a pop of color to the space. All I did was cut the tops off of the boxes and stuck them together using packing tape along the back and bottom. So simple!

The space was really pulled together by the "You'll Be Safe Here" print. I mentioned it in my previous home tour and I was shocked when it arrived at my door shortly after that. My awesome aunt and uncle got it for us as a housewarming gift! Jer was so excited when he saw it. The original plan was to put it in his room but he loved it so much that he wanted to hang it in the living room so everyone could see it. I love it too so I was glad he wanted to share. Haha! We are huge nerds so having a piece of artwork with all of our favorite superheroes fits our style perfectly and I love how colorful it is. Another aunt had given us a poster frame which I cut down so that there was an even border all around it and I used red poster board as inexpensive matting that added even more color. I also printed out the title of the work since that was one the things that drew us to this piece in the first place.

I am so excited about how our new home is coming together! It doesn't follow any decorating rules and we have a mishmash of different eras and styles but it is colorful, fun, and comfortable. We only keep items that we love and they make us smile when we look at them. :)

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Rhissanna said...

That's really cute and ties in beautifully with the poster. What nice people to get it for ypou and the frame, too.

As for your home, it always looks wonderful. You're following William Morris's dictum, "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.:

Sistergirl said...

I really LOVE this idea!

Unknown said...

So this is the picture you guys were talking about - I see why you liked it, looks like Jer!!! Awesome ideas Meg... Miss you guys :)

linda said...

Re the poster. If you do a search by the title of it, plus the word "art," and select the deviantart search result, you will find a link to the "cheat sheet" which identifies every person in the poster. Reason I looked it up was because I thought that was The Doctor in the front and I was right. The art is from a comic the artist put together: digital edition is 99 cents. (from one nerd to another)