Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Party!

We had our Christmas party on Saturday and I've had requests to post pictures of the party and the food so here you go! :)

I realized I hadn't taken any pictures of our Christmas decor at night so here are a couple of shots of the living room.

And the food...

On the menu:
Cheese and Cracker Platter
Veggies with Dip

Rice Crispy Treats

Cranberry Lime Punch - Equal parts Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash and Minute Maid Limeade.

The cookie decorating table. Last year I made gingerbread houses but they were too soft and kept collapsing. This year I decided to go the easy route and made cookies in the shape of houses instead. It worked great.

The only problem was my tried-and-true gingerbread recipe that somehow tasted more like a molasses cookie. There's always something that goes wrong. :)

Even though they didn't taste as good as usual, everyone still had fun decorating them.

We also had a gift exchange. People who wanted to participate brought something valued under $5 and we drew numbers to see who got to pick first. In previous years we would open the gifts as we went and the person who had the next number could either pick a gift from the pile or steal one that had already been opened.

This year we decided to switch things up a bit. You could still steal gifts but this time they stayed wrapped so you had to choose based on how pretty the wrapping was or shaking and feeling it to try to guess what it was.

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