Sunday, December 26, 2010

Iced Dip Bowl

I'm always paranoid about keeping food the right temperature at parties. Not just because the food tastes better but because I would feel awful if anyone got food poisoning. I have a warming tray and mini crock pots for the hot foods but cold food is always a challenge.

For our Christmas party I made this ice bowl for the veggie dip. I thought some of you might be able to use it for a New Year's Eve party or other future event.

First, I found two bowls that were slightly different sizes. I filled the bottom one with about half an inch of water and froze it. Once solid, I set the smaller bowl on top of it and carefully poured water in between the two until it just about reach the rim. Then I placed them in the freezer. When it was time for the party I pulled them out and filled the smaller one with veggie dip. The ice kept the dip cold throughout the entire party!

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Angela McInnis said...

Now THIS is a great idea! I, too, worry about the same thing. I am a Home Economics major, and my Microbiology teacher scared the pants off us about food poisoning!

Anonymous said...

I can understand why. I had a severe case of food poisoning that put me in the emergency room. It wasn't because of something that I did but it has make me even more paranoid then I already was! :)