Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pinwheel Garland

Awhile back I saw this picture of a wall full of pinwheels and instantly fell in love with it. Sadly, it is another one of those Pinterest casualties where the original source wasn't linked correctly so I have no idea where it really came from. Anyway, when trying to come up with a way to fill this large blank piece of wall in the craft room, I thought of that photo. I didn't want over twenty holes in my wall though so instead of nailing in each one, I made it into a garland so it only required a few holes.

I love how it turned out. It's colorful and whimsical and it makes me smile. :) This would also be a fun addition to a kid's room!

Start by cutting your paper into 4" squares. I found this adorable polkadot paper in the scrapbook section of Hobby Lobby. I really liked that it was white on the back instead of all being the same color.

Using a ruler, mark the center of your square. Use a metal ruler and a knife to cut 2 1/4" from each corner to the center mark. You could also use a pencil to mark the line then cut with scissors but be sure to erase the pencil line when you are done.

Pull the left side of one of the corners into the center and use a dab of hot glue to secure. Repeat with the left other corners and glue each one in place. Of course, if you want functioning pinwheels you will need to skip the glue, pull each of the left corners into the center and secure with a straight pin pressed into a stick behind it. Mine are purely decorative though so I glued them.

Glue a cute little button, bead, gemstone, or whatever pleases you, into the middle.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

To change things up a bit, I did half of each color starting with the white side facing up and the other half with the color side facing up. That way some of the wings are colored and some are white.

Randomly place nails on your wall to get your garland to hang the way you would like then tie a string around the nail heads. Finally, put a dab of hot glue on the back of your pinwheel and stick to the string one at a time.

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Traci said...

I love this. Definitely going to be implementing it into the new house somewhere!

Kristin said...

I just made some of these on Tuesday for a staff luncheon and we just hung them from the ceiling tiles but I LOVE the garland =)

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing with us at Someday Crafts! I will be featuring your project tomorrow on the blog. Please stop back in and grab a Featured at Someday Crafts button for your sidebar. Thanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said...

We also added you are our Blog to Watch on our sidebar. I just love your site and all your projects! Thanks again for sharing with us at Someday Crafts!